colourful sticky notes obliterate the screen of an open laptop.

Creature of Habit not Havoc

Routines–love ’em or hate ’em,  you probably love to live by ’em

I sure do.

And, right now, I’m out of routine.

September wreaks havoc on my routine. As I was telling my mother on the phone earlier this afternoon, as an educator, September is the eclipse between one “year” and the next. I am climbing into the midst of my January, so to speak, and I’m desperately trying to find a foothold. This post is for everyone else climbing this mountainous month with me. The air is getting thinner, but let’s hold on tight. We’re about to crest into autumn.

Aren’t you supposed to be a rebel, rach?

aka aren’t Routines for classrooms and children?

And wimps?

Routine became an integral part of my survival strategy in the classroom and as a parent. These days, I am teaching adults and my son is a man, yet I find myself relying on schedules and lists to help me function in life.

I’ve always considered myself to be a free-roller, yet without my list of things to accomplish getting checked off, my life roller-coasters. Isn’t life supposed to be about freedom? Shouldn’t I be able just to do what I want when I want now that I am a free agent? I am in the prime of my life, with the work schedule I’ve always dreamed of, yet I still need routine.

The benefits of a daily routine

Routines go hand-in-hand with higher levels of well-being. This is because they give you control over what happens in your life.


  1. create structure
  2. save time and eliminate procrastination
  3. save money
  4. build momentum and self-confidence
  5. help achieve goals
  6. help achieve self-discipline
  7. give more time to relax
  8. lower stress and anxiety

So, what’s the plan, Stan?

Basically, I’m going to suck it up. I am going to make it to the top of my mountain. And when I look down over the valley, I will take a deep breath full of inspiration and start carving out my new routine. Who’s with me?

Need help getting into a routine? There are plenty of downloadable apps for your mobile or tablet that can help with scheduling, prioritizing, and relaxing. I’m pretty old school, so I use my trusty paper calendar and set alarms on my phone.

Wish me luck!

In the meantime, you can check out some of my older posts for inspiration

Back to the Beaten Path

How to Make “it” a Habit